




10:00 AM

- 3:00 PM EST






10:00 AM

- 8:00 PM EST


Join me for A Live 3-Hour Deep-Dive:

Expensive Perils of financial dIYers

Secure Your Spot Now

Navigating financial management on your own, or "DIY" financial planning, can pose several risks, especially for those without in-depth knowledge or experience. 

While financial mis-steps are not always preventable, advanced planning can soften the emotional and financial blow, so that we’re not unduly set back—financially or emotionally—and we can better manage our recovery strategies. (It’s NOT just about the money; having a plan gives us PEACE of mind, pride & a good night’s sleep that we’ve PAID attention, in advance.)


As a 42-year practicing CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and Asset Manager, with a master’s degree in Retirement Planning, I inherited a slew of DIYers, who were typically very smart and well-read in one area of finances, usually a particular type of investment. AND, yet the insides of my cheeks were raw with angst at knowing the groups of zeros I could have saved these unsuspecting folks had they ‘known what they didn’t know’; impossible, of course, as I had devoted 4+ decades to studying finances to implement dovetail, money-saving strategies, and building significant wealth for 34 high net worth clients. (NOTE: I retained 100% of these DIYers, witness to their experiencing my fee as one of their investments!)  

I grew intrigued at being able to ‘share the good news’ with droves of folks, so I sold my practice in 2020, and I committed to leveraging my 42-year financial expertise and my empathy, with coaching mature women around their money, as they were a vulnerable group—horrible socialization, and a shorter time frame with which to create Intentional Wealth. It’s been nothing short of invigorating for all of us, and now, I’m looking to exponentially expand my reach, so join me for some fun, enhanced profits, and the power of collaboration among what I call We Can Do It Women!

"I love when people speak from their own real life experience. And what Debra brings to the table is not only all her experience and being in the financial industry... It's how she tied everything together. Hearing Debra speak just really spoke to my heart because people nowadays more than ever need real results from real people. And that's what I see in Debra and her expertise."

Anja Weinberg

Debra will share:


Her 45 years of boots-on-the-ground (not sitting behind a typewriter) Financial Planning & Asset Management experience and wisdom.


Her intuition which, Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway author, Dr. Susan Jeffers described as “a scout that has gone ahead, seen the obstacles and come back to warn us, so we’re saved from making costly, time-consuming, energy & health sapping mistakes.”


Her empathy for all women who have made a financial mis step (as she has), coaching us all to forgive ourselves, take radical responsibility for our present, shed-the-shame and face forward committed to our new, or dusted off & polished, WHY.

Live 3-Hour Deep-Dive

What we'll cover

Tax Minimization

Identify cheapest dollars-spend them 1st

NOT just a February assignment! Year round $ saving strategies.

Calculating IRA’s ‘true’ value-it’s NOT what your statement shows

Cash Flow

Emergency Fund-How to avert getting caught Flat-Footed

Design our Investment Portfolio-not too much, not too little

Stopping Up Expensive Leaks—Monetary & Psychological


Asset Allocation-Single most Important aspect to Meeting Your Goals

Compounding-It either Works FOR us or AGAINST us 24/7

Stop wasting YIELD!

Risk Management

Life Policy- Ensure the face value purchased is actually PAID at death

HO Policy-Identifying the single most important rider

Auto Policy-Maximizing ROI on premium allocation

Liability-Rationale on purpose & proper amount

Care Giving

Managing the health of BOTH, the one receiving and the one giving

Managing the Shock & The Care

Navigating ALL the nuances of myriad Powers of Attorney


Planning for how our retirement differs from that of our parents’

Managing Sequence-of-Return Risk

Ensure we inflation-proof our monthly income

BONUS: How to supercharge our investment returns.


How to easily donate 3-5x what you’re donating now

Designing your efficient Estate Plan—90% does NOT involve an attorney (nor their fees)

Who gets my ‘stuff’ & Who gets which investments & WHY?

Yep, that’s a LOT of value!

"Having Debra's coaching prowess, honed over 42 years as a financial planner is invaluable. I love being able to ask her questions about my specific situation. She helps me cut through all the financial noise with tools that save me time and money so I can meet MY goals."

Trish Carr

Select Your Session 
Expensive Perils Of Financial DIYers

Thursday, April 18, 2024
12pm - 3pm EST

Your Investment


What you'll get:

An understanding, or new clarity, of which are urgent priorities in order to minimize waste
Heightened intentionality and confidence in the myriad aspects of financial planning
Converting Chaos Into ROI Workbook
Debra’s CHECKLIST of 10 NOT-SO-OBVIOUS Financial Planning ESSENTIALS
Tips, tools and options from which to choose, to Create Your Intentional Wealth
What about 30 lbs. LESS stress around your finances…. Who’s IN?

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
5pm - 8pm EST

Your Investment


What you'll get:

An understanding, or new clarity, of which are urgent priorities in order to minimize waste
Heightened intentionality and confidence in the myriad aspects of financial planning
Converting Chaos Into ROI Workbook
Debra’s CHECKLIST of 10 NOT-SO-OBVIOUS Financial Planning ESSENTIALS
Tips, tools and options from which to choose, to Create Your Intentional Wealth
What about 30 lbs. LESS stress around your finances…. Who’s IN?
choose your image

"She talked about investments in a way that I could even understand. And even beyond understand, get unbelievably excited about."

Elizabeth Streb

2024 © | Women Navigating Finances, LLC | Debra L. Morrison. All Rights Reserved.